Thursday, January 12, 2012

SOLOtude Journal #1: Everyday-work & play-

This is how "EVERYDAY" looks like...
afternoon delight

See how I balance work and play... half of the table talks about me "working" my ass up reading (that very tiny book you see there... is it even visible? but it's still a book nonetheless haha), surfing (that's what I do a lot ;-P), taking/making phone calls (that's why the Big guy gave me a sturdy headset last Christmas... or else I will be frequenting the hospital for some meds on stiff neck and ear stuff), oh yes, planning (I do a lot of planning-hence, THE PLANNER... well, this year I look forward to implementing some if not all of those)... and you see half of the table says HOW BIG MY APPETITE IS -and that part I call "playing"... and that's just for snacks... you wouldn't want to see how I pamper myself with a hearty brunch which I take around 1-2 pm every single day... I learned quite well how to balance work and play (haha)... work a little and eat a lot... that's life!
(Oh by the way, you see that little table ohvahder? that's Chocho's, it's empty coz she's not here with me now... but when she's around you'll see a mini version of my table, less the food of course coz I don't want Barbie getting all the sticky stuff... she uses her Oppa's iPad for her FB and "youtube"-ing hahaha)

Life doesn't really have a formula... like, when you do this or do that you are guaranteed a happy life blah blah... nah! that's not how it works... It's how you see it... I have often get curious questions like 'WHAT DO YOU DO ALL DAY? SLEEP?", "DON'T YOU EVER GET BORED?!"... Trust me, those simple questions can get to as deep as "WHAT WILL YOUR LIFE BE LIKE WHEN -LET'S SAY- YOUR HUSBAND SUDDENLY LEAVES YOU FOR ANOTHER WOMAN!?!?"... I think about those things... when I was younger, you bet,  I think about it A LOT but I just grew tired of waiting for that one night he'd come home and tell me, "Hey, I'm leaving you for another woman!"... so I decided to just let it slip away... I'm taking each day at a time, enjoying what today brings... whenever I get anxious, I pray... whenever I get insecure, I pray more... whenever I feel bad, I pray until the feeling goes off... I don't know much about the scriptures, uhm... honestly?!?! I stay away from it because it makes me miss my Tatay more... unfortunately, my Tatay had deeply engraved God's words into my soul that no matter how I try to ignore them, they still keep on playing on my mind telling me how things should be...) mind you, the greatest of all was his last few words to me: YOU MARRIED A GOOD MAN SO JUST BE A GOOD WIFE AND A GOOD MOTHER... straight forward, simple and plain! MY MANTRA... well, it's according to God's words, to say the least... it compliments my husband's ideals... it's my father's last words... what more do I need to research on having a perfect beautiful life... you see, life doesn't have to be perfect... who defines perfect anyway? well, for me, this is perfect... I am happy with how things are... my husband and son are happy that I AM HAPPY... the people who matter to me feel as happy as I am because I AM HAPPY... isn't that perfect enough?!

To you from me with love: In life, there are really no standards to meet... Gauge your life according to how you feel inside because you cannot cheat yourself and only YOU can tell YOU the true feelings that you have beneath those smiles... Happiness is being at peace with your own self... (syempre ang funny naman kung kaaway mo pa sarili mo eh iisa ka lang although it's healthy to do self-examination and self-limiting once in a while- in short, paminsan minsan pagalitan mo rin ang sarili mo hehe)... Solitude is the greatest gift one can give to oneself... It's the greatest gift I have ever received (from myself)... trust me, it can change the world!

I thank God for my husband who -in coordination with God and my parents- gives me this kind of life... a taste of Heaven on earth... a place where I can be just as I am...

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